The Rajasthan High Court on Wednesday after taking cognizance has directed Jodhpur district collector to take strict action in an incident where a baby died at Jodhpur's Umaid hospital as an outcome of clashes between doctors inside the operation the
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The Rajasthan High Court on Wednesday after taking cognizance has directed Jodhpur district collector to take strict action in an incident where a baby died at Jodhpur's Umaid hospital as an outcome of clashes between doctors inside the operation theatre.
The court has also given time till September 4 to answer what all actions have been taken in the regard. The High Court said that this despicable incident has tarnished the image of Jodhpur and medical world.
The shameful incident came into light after a video emerged of the two doctors arguing while operating on a pregnant woman. Earlier today, the two accused doctors involved in the spat were removed from their respective posts.