The Tilak Nagar eve teasing case took a new turn on Tuesday after the accused cried foul and alleged that the victim was an AAP supporter and levelling charges against him for political mileage
New Delhi: The Tilak Nagar eve teasing case took a new turn on Tuesday after the accused cried foul and alleged that the victim was an AAP supporter and levelling charges against him for political mileage.
"She is an AAP supporter and doing it for political mileage, she just wants to be famous," said Sunny, who is accused in this case.
"My son is innocent, the girl is misusing her political connections," added his mother.
The Delhi Police had yesterday said that they have filed the case in the Tilak Nagar eve teasing incident on the basis of the victim’s statement.
"We go by evidence on record. We have recorded the statement of the girl and on that basis we have filed the case against the accused," Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi said.