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Four coaches of Sabarmati-Agra superfast train derail in Rajasthan's Ajmer, no casualty

Updated on: 18 March,2024 08:58 AM IST  |  New Delhi/Ajmer
mid-day online correspondent |

No loss of life was reported in the incident that occurred at around 1 am, they said, adding that the express train was on its way to Agra

Four coaches of Sabarmati-Agra superfast train derail in Rajasthan's Ajmer, no casualty

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Four coaches of the Sabarmati-Agra superfast train derailed near the Ajmer station on Monday morning, officials said.

No loss of life was reported in the incident that occurred at around 1 am, they said, adding that the express train was on its way to Agra.

"The incident took place when the train crossed Ajmer station and it was about to reach Madar station. The reason for the derailment is not known yet," Shashi Kiran, Chief Public Relations Officer, North Western Railway (NWR) Zone, told PTI.

"No injury or casualty has been reported. The train movement in the up/down direction towards the Delhi side has already started. We are about to start the services in the Uttar Pradesh direction too," he added.

The NWR has set up a helpdesk at the Ajmer station and also released a helpline number -- 0145-2429642 -- for relatives of the passengers travelling on the train, the official said.

"Six trains have been cancelled and two trains have been diverted to other routes," Kiran said.

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