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New big cat spotted at Sahyadri Tiger Reserve, may have travelled 100 kms from Radhanagri Sanctuary

Updated on: 08 November,2024 08:24 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Ranjeet Jadhav | [email protected]

The reserve is home to a resident tiger, T1, and the sighting of this new tiger is a very encouraging development for us, said Dr. V. Clement Ben, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests – Wildlife West

New big cat spotted at Sahyadri Tiger Reserve, may have travelled 100 kms from Radhanagri Sanctuary

The tiger captured in trap camera. Pic/Sahyadri Tiger Reserve/Maharashtra Forest Department

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New big cat spotted at Sahyadri Tiger Reserve, may have travelled 100 kms from Radhanagri Sanctuary

In a significant boost for wildlife conservation, Forest Department officials and researchers at the Sahyadri Tiger Reserve have captured images of a new tiger through a camera trap installed in the forest, bringing exciting news for wildlife enthusiasts.

The reserve is located in the Western Ghats of the Sahyadri ranges and the area of the reserve is 1,165.57 sq. km, with a buffer zone of 565.45 sq. km and a core area of 600.12 sq. km. The reserve spans across four districts: Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur, and Ratnagiri districts in Maharashtra.

Dr. V. Clement Ben, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests – Wildlife West, stated, "A new tiger has been captured on a camera trap at the Sahyadri Tiger Reserve on October 28, in the Chanoli National Park. In addition, the ground staff also found fresh pugmarks of the tiger. Currently, the reserve is home to a resident tiger, T1, and the sighting of this new individual is a very encouraging development for us."

When the image of the tiger was spotted in the camera trap, the picture was cross-checked with the forest department's tiger photo database.

Wildlife biologist Girish Punjabi confirmed to the forest department that this was indeed a new tiger in the range.

Punjabi, who has been extensively working on tiger conservation in the region, told the forest department officials that the same tiger (T2) had been spotted in a camera trap at Radhanagri Wildlife Sanctuary in April 2024. It is believed that the tiger travelled approximately 100 km to reach the Sahyadri Tiger Reserve from Radhanagri Wildlife Sanctuary, which is located in Kolhapur.

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