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UGC must stop imposing NET score as replacement for PhD entrance exams as it will alienate a lot of students: JNU Students' Union

Updated on: 27 April,2024 06:28 AM IST  |  New Delhi
mid-day online correspondent |

The JNUSU pointed out that the arbitrary decision to replace PhD Entrance Exams with NET scores will further alienate a lot of students, especially those from marginalised sections, from research and the gates of universities will close on many

UGC must stop imposing NET score as replacement for PhD entrance exams as it will alienate a lot of students: JNU Students' Union

Representational image. Pic/iStock

The Jawaharlal Nehru University Students' Union (JNUSU) has said the University Grants Commission must stop imposing NET score as replacement for PhD entrance exams, in a meeting. They made the statement when the Joint Secretary of UGC met the JNUSU office bearers following a protest by them at the University Grants Commission (UGC) Headquarters.

The JNUSU pointed out that the arbitrary decision to replace PhD Entrance Exams with NET scores will further alienate a lot of students, especially those from marginalised sections, from research and the gates of universities will close on many.

The UGC, by this decision, is further narrowing the scope of entering higher education, said JNUSU office bearers.

The UGC Joint Secretary had responded that they would be holding an internal meeting on these points. It was also communicated that universities have the autonomy to conduct their entrance exams.

The JNU administration has refused to exercise its autonomy to hold its independent entrance exams and has instead brought out a circular stating that NET scores will be used for PhD admissions.

The JNU admin has earlier also decided to scrap JNUEE for UG and PG admissions, without taking the opinion of the students. Once again, the JNU admin has bypassed any form of consultation with students on this issue. The JNU VC Santishree Dhulipadi Pandit has refused to invite the JNUSU to the Academic Council meetings, where such decisions are taken.

The JNUSU will be meeting the Director of Admissions on April 29, to demand that the PhD entrance exam for this year and henceforth be done through JNUEE.

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