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Ganja was being sold on Amazon under guise of Stevia dry leaves: Cops

Updated on: 26 November,2021 08:48 PM IST  |  Bhopal

Several companies registered on Amazon supplied 2 kg pack of ganja under the guise of 'Stevia dry leaves', said cops

Ganja was being sold on Amazon under guise of Stevia dry leaves: Cops

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The Bhind police in Madhya Pradesh said a statement on Friday that during their investigation into the supply of ganja through the Amazon e-commerce portal, it was found that besides Babu Tex, the earlier company which was supplying ganja on the Amazon e-commerce portal , six more companies were registered on Amazon, which were supplying 2 kg pack of ganja under the guise of 'Stevia dry leaves' to the same purchasers to whom Babu Tex supplied the banned substance.

The Bhind police, which is investigating the entire matter, had last week made the executive directors of Amazon Seller Services Limited accused under Section 38 of the NDPS Act.

In Visakhapatnam , the police had recently arrested the main culprit, Shri Niwas Rao, with two pick-up boys of Amazon, and an Amazon van driver, Venkateshwar Rao, and seized 48 kg ganja, a statement issued by the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) had said.

CAIT had said that the reports of sale of ganja through the e-portal of Amazon were a big shock and an eye opener that to earn profit, these companies can do anything or everything, including sale of prohibited items.

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