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We have no right to deny gay people a life of dignity

Updated on: 31 January,2025 08:08 AM IST  |  Mumbai
The Editorial |

This should make us think about so many queer people, men or women, who are living in the closet here, too, fearful of being their true selves.

We have no right to deny gay people a life of dignity

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We have no right to deny gay people a life of dignity

It is rare that this edit column takes an example from global news to make a point. Yet, the Internet has shrunk the world and some statements and situations cross the seven seas and resonate everywhere. A former Premier League football referee, who was sacked after insulting a manager and allegedly snorting cocaine, is making news not just for the reasons for being sacked but his statement that he is gay and has been hiding his sexuality for years. This, he claimed, led to feelings of anxiety and contributed to his poor decision-making, though he does not make that the sole reason for his behaviour or use it as an excuse. He added that the intense pressure to stay in the closet affected him deeply on every level.

This should make us think about so many queer people, men or women, who are living in the closet here, too, fearful of being their true selves.

While every individual may come out if and when they feel ready to do so, the fact that there is fear of abuse, negative judgement, overt or even covert condemnation and a feeling that one has let down family means we need an attitude overhaul.

If we, as individuals that make society make this a more inclusive place, beginning from home, people will be able to live lives where they are unafraid of abuse because of their sexuality.

Give children the right messages about acceptance at home. Teach inclusivity and call out bullying and barbs in educational institutions. 

Puncture the ‘shame’ associated with being gay and make workplace behaviours in line with dignity for every employee. Small changes will contribute to a better environment overall, one in which people can live with pride and authenticity. 

Let the referee news serve as a reminder that even the most macho, visible or successful on the career charts can be residing in a very dark place.

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