Lisa Miller has a powerful retort to anyone who says the Facebook game Farm Town is a waste of time; it literally helped her save a woman's life.
“We just started chatting away and she started telling me about her daughter,” said Miller. As it turned out, the Idaho woman’s daughter was in desperate need of a kidney transplant.
Miller then befriended “Tiffany”, who is in her late 20s and asked to withhold her full-name. “I really needed to help her out,” Miller said.
“She struck me to move forward and help her. I don’t know what it was about her.”
In some ways, it makes sense that Miller was willing to reach out to someone she met on a Facebook game. After all, Farm Town is a farming simulation game that leans heavily on cooperation between human players, to plant and harvest their respective crops.
Miller says she used her Facebook account to reach out to friends and potential donors for three years, but had come up empty-handed in her search. In fact, it was two older forms of communication that finally provided a match — the telephone and face-to-face conversation. Miller’s husband Chris overheard his wife talking to Tiffany about the kidney search. “She asked me, ‘Do you want to get tested?’ I said, ‘Sure. I didn’t think anything of it’,” Chris said.
As it turned out, Chris Miller was a perfect match. “She needs a better life. She’s on dialysis twice a week and it’s the right thing to do,” he said.u00a0