Delhi CM Atishi accused the Congress party of having an arrangement with the BJP for the upcoming Delhi elections. She pointed out that Congress senior leader Ajay Maken had called Arvind Kejriwal anti-national, but never made similar accusations against any BJP leader. Atishi questioned why Congress filed an FIR against her and Kejriwal, while never taking similar actions against BJP leaders. She claimed that BJP is funding Congress candidates, including Sandeep Dikshit. She also reminded Congress that they had previously allied with AAP in the Lok Sabha elections. Atishi demanded Congress take action against Maken within 24 hours if there is no understanding with the BJP.
26 December,2024 05:45 PM ISTArvind Kejriwal, leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), led a delegation to the Election Commission on Wednesday, accusing the BJP of a large-scale plan to delete voters' names in Delhi before the upcoming Assembly elections. Speaking to the media, Kejriwal claimed they had submitted 3,000 pages of evidence showing that the BJP was removing the names of many residents, especially from poor, Scheduled Castes, and Dalit communities, particularly those living in slums. Kejriwal emphasized that for a common person, every vote is important as it represents their citizenship. The AAP demanded action from the Election Commission to prevent this alleged voter deletion.
12 December,2024 10:05 AM ISTAAP Wins Delhi MCD election, ends BJP’s 15-year rule in corporation. In a close contest, AAP won 134 seats while BJP won 104 seats. The initial trends showed BJP ahead of AAP, But later AAP crossed the halfway mark.
08 December,2022 02:42 PM IST | MumbaiADVERTISEMENT