Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis announces record commitments of over Rs 15 lakh crore in investments and 15 lakh jobs secured at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, citing Prime Minister Modi's leadership as a key factor.
23 January,2025 03:23 PM IST | DavosRTI reveals politicians promised land won’t be used despite payment being made prior to Assembly polls; Dharavi Redevelopment Project Pvt Ltd (DRPPL) paid Rs 319.70 crore to procure 58.5 acre of the land
23 January,2025 10:42 AM IST | Mumbai | Sameer SurveMarine life explorers from India’s vast coastline will join hands for a first-of-its-kind collaborative citizen science initiative that aims to document and raise awareness about tide pool ecosystems
23 January,2025 08:56 AM IST | Mumbai | Devashish KambleBMC to spray water twice a day on ground, plant green cover following IIT-B’s report; the BMC asked Prof. Virendra Sethi of IIT-B's Environmental Science and Engineering Department to conduct a study; recently, the experts submitted a report
22 January,2025 12:06 PM IST | Mumbai | Sameer SurveUnder the Atulya Ganga Abhiyan, the Army veterans will cover 1,150 km in 11 days by bicycle via Devprayag, Rishikesh, Narora and Kanpur
22 January,2025 10:35 AM IST | UttarkashiA new collection of paintings by a city-based artist will explore the brilliant colour palette of birds spotted in the metropolis, and initiate dialogue on ecology and climate change
22 January,2025 10:09 AM IST | Mumbai | Divyasha PandaAmitav Ghosh, author and climate worrier, is concerned about the city’s lack of preparedness for ecological disasters but is happy that we have mangroves and urban forests. His new book of essays, Wild Fictions, walks us through precious rainforests, forgotten communities and fragile ecosystems
21 January,2025 02:21 PM IST | Mumbai | Fiona FernandezNotably, Trump had withdrawn from the Paris Agreement immediately after his first inauguration in January 2017. Joe Biden reversed that decision later
21 January,2025 10:28 AM IST | Washington | PTIThe study showed that exposure to outdoor air pollution can negatively impact human embryo development in IVF cycles
20 January,2025 02:15 PM IST | Mumbai | IANSLet there be some transparency when we are looking at environmental factors and people must be convinced about the impact this may or may not have for the area
20 January,2025 06:53 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialADVERTISEMENT