Tabu recently joined the cast of Bhooth Bangla with Akshay Kumar. They reunited on screen after Hera Pheri which Priyadarshan directed
16 January,2025 07:39 AM IST | Jaipur (Rajasthan) | ANITabu has finally announced her next project! The diva has joined the cast of Akshay Kumar's highly-awaited horror comedy "Bhooth Bangla."
12 January,2025 07:33 AM IST | Mumbai | IANSAkshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal kicked off the shoot of Bhooth Bangla in Jaipur after finishing the Mumbai schedule. The actors took to X to share a photo
06 January,2025 05:22 PM IST | Mumbai | IANSNews is that the makers have finalised Wamiqa Gabbi as one of the three leading ladies of Akshay Kumar's Bhooth Bangla directed by Priyadarshan
28 October,2024 03:05 PM IST | Mumbai | The Hitlist TeamADVERTISEMENT