The Bombay High Court on Monday refused to release Mihir Shah, the main accused in a BMW hit-and-run case, on ‘illegal’ arrest grounds. Shah, the 24-year-old son of a former Shiv Sena leader, and his driver Rajrishi Bidawat had filed petitions in the HC claiming they had been illegally detained and sought immediate release
26 November,2024 08:09 AM IST | Mumbai | A CorrespondentA speeding BMW crashed into a Bandra society wall early Friday morning, causing significant damage but resulting in no injuries. The driver reportedly lost control, and alcohol was ruled out
22 November,2024 02:36 PM IST | Mumbai | Shirish NadkarniThieves hack and drive off the luxury car; owner raises alarm over club security
28 October,2024 08:08 AM IST | Mumbai | Faizan KhanThe man who lures illegal donors with a silver tongue and promise of big money then rules over them with an iron fist; he is now on a property-buying spree in Delhi and Kolkata, say victims
03 October,2024 09:19 AM IST | Mumbai | Diwakar SharmaBMW driver, who fled crash scene at Mulund, arrested from Navi Mumbai
09 September,2024 06:58 AM IST | Mumbai | Apoorva AgashePritam Thorat was killed instantly in the collision, and Prasad Patil was rushed to a nearby hospital in critical condition due to severe injuries.
07 September,2024 09:08 AM IST | Mumbai | Apoorva AgasheThe decision comes as part of an effort to ensure stricter compliance with the Bio-Medical Waste (Management) Rules, 2016, and to reinforce the regulatory framework surrounding environmental safety in medical facilities
29 August,2024 03:46 PM IST | Mumbai | Dipti SinghHabeas corpus petition filed in Bombay High Court blindsides Mumbai cops, who scramble to respond
20 August,2024 07:38 AM IST | Mumbai | Apoorva AgasheMihir Shah, the main accused in the BMW hit-and-run case, has moved Bombay HC claiming that he has been illegally detained and has sought immediate release. Shah was arrested on July 9, two days after he rammed his BMW car into a two-wheeler in Worli, Mumbai, killing a 45-year-old woman and leaving her husband injured
19 August,2024 01:35 PM IST | Mumbai | mid-day online correspondentA fan named Ritu has gotten a swanky new BMW and has gotten a special number plate with SIDI212 written on it, which is quite similar to Sid's car's number plate
05 August,2024 09:59 AM IST | Mumbai | mid-day online correspondentADVERTISEMENT