Hrithik Roshan debuted in Bollywood with the 2000 film 'Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai' and this year marks his 25 years in the entertainment industry. As his first movie gears up to re-release on his birthday, we take a look at Hrithik Roshan's swoon-worthy looks over the years
08 January,2025 12:12 PM IST | Oshin FernandesBollywood actor Hrithik Roshan has turned 50. We present to you his top ten movies that you should watch and enjoy on the actor's birthday in honor of his special day. (All photos: IMDb)
10 January,2024 06:16 PM IST | Kavyakant KhareAmeesha Patel is celebrating her birthday on Friday. Here's a list of 'Kaho Naa...Pyaar Hai' fame actress's movies that made space in hitlist of Bollywood
09 June,2023 12:13 PM IST | Sanvi PatelIt's Ameesha Patel's birthday today. The actress, who made her debut more than two decades with 'Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai', turns 46 on June 9, 2022. We take a look at her journey in Bollywood along with some candid pictures from her younger days.
09 June,2022 08:42 AM ISTADVERTISEMENT