A special screening was held in Mumbai for the debut film of Raveena Tandon's daughter, Rasha Thadani, and Ajay Devgn's nephew, Aaman Devgn, titled 'Azaad.' The entire cast and crew gathered for the event, including Ajay Devgn, Aaman, Rasha, Diana Penty, Mohit Malik, and more, all posing together on the red carpet. The evening also saw a star-studded turnout with celebrities like Ayushmann Khurrana, Orry, Tamannaah Bhatia, Maniesh Paul, and Sonali Bendre in attendance. The highlight of the night was a heartwarming moment when Kajol posed with her nephew, Aaman Devgn, showcasing their close family bond
17 January,2025 05:08 PM ISTPopular television couple Mohit and Addite Malik invited mid-day.com home where they shared their love story. From not getting along initially as co-stars on 'Miilee' to Mohit proposing on April 1 at Haji Ali and now being parents to Ekbir, find out all about them on 'Couple Goals'
11 October,2022 08:37 PM ISTMohit Malik, one of the finalists on Khatron Ke Khiladi recalls his journey on the show, in an exclusive chat with mid-day.com. Find out why he took up the challenge, how he overcame his fears, his bond with other contestants and much more!
20 September,2022 08:24 PM IST | MumbaiMohit Malik along with wife Addite and son Ekbir invited mid-day.com to their home in Mumbai to join in the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. Join in the latest episode of 'Mumbai Meri Jaan' to know more! #MohitMalik #GaneshChaturthi2022 #MumbaiMeriJaan
02 September,2022 10:07 PM IST | MumbaiADVERTISEMENT