Telugu star Nandamuri Balakrishna is being criticised for pushing actress Anjali on stage during the pre-release event of 'Gangs of Godavari'. The actor pushed Anjali as they gathered to pose for the media. His act received cheer and applause from the audience. But netizens were furious at this act by Balayya and called it 'disrespectful'. Filmmaker Hansal Mehta and actor Nakuul Mehta also called out the actor on social media
30 May,2024 05:16 PM ISTIn yet another incident captured where actors lose their cool, actor-turned-politician Nandamuri Balakrishna slapped a fan in Andhra Pradesh’s Nandyal district. Reportedly, Telugu Desam Party Balakrishna visited Nandyal for a campaign for his party
17 August,2017 04:09 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT