Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times by an intruder at his Bandra home during an attempted theft. After surgery at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital, he is expected to be discharged today. Celebrities like Sanjay Dutt, Malaika Arora, and Arjun Kapoor visited him at the hospital. Amid ongoing media scrutiny, Kareena Kapoor posted an appeal on Instagram for privacy, urging the media to stop invading their space. The images she shared were later found to be old, showing their former residence. The family continues to request privacy during this challenging time.
21 January,2025 03:46 PM ISTBollywood star Saif Ali Khan was hospitalised after being stabbed during a burglary attempt at his Mumbai home with a knife lodged in his spine. He underwent surgery to remove the knife and treat other injuries. The 'Devara' actor is now stable and recovering well. His wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, has asked the media for privacy. Dr. Nitin Dange from Lilavati Hospital confirmed the surgery was successful, and Saif is out of danger
17 January,2025 02:41 PM ISTShahid opened up about a glimpse from the past reflecting on a moment etched in his memory, Shahid shares his heartfelt journey. At 24, an unexpected embrace in a vibrant club captured the world's attention. From surprise to apprehension, the viral kissing video cast a revealing light on his private life. Through candid introspection, Shahid unveils the complexities of fame, offering a unique perspective on how a single moment can shape the course of one's existence.
08 July,2023 02:49 PM ISTWatch: 10 interesting facts about D Y Chandrachud, the next CJI of India. Justice D Y Chandrachud on Wednesday was sworn in as Chief Justice of India after Justice Uday Umesh Lalit demitted office. President Droupadi Murmu administered the oath of office to Justice DY Chandrachud at the swearing-in ceremony held in the Rashtrapati Bhavan
09 November,2022 09:24 PM IST | MumbaiSaif Ali Khan and his girlfriend Kareena Kapoor are not happy with the place they are currently staying in as they don't get privacy and thus they are looking for a new house
04 August,2010 12:00 PM ISTExperts termed India's encryption policy as invasion of privacy after India's proposed encryption policy by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology ( DeitY) has asked for public comments on the 'Draft National Encryption Policy' on its website until 16th Oct.
22 September,2015 02:23 PM ISTFinance Minister Arun Jaitley on Wednesday introduced the Aadhaar Bill in the Rajya Sabha, seeking protection of privacy of citizens.
16 March,2016 08:24 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT