At Manish Malhotra's star-studded Diwali bash, Bollywood celebs brought their fashion A-game. Rekha dazzled as always with her timeless charm, while Kiara Advani and her husband Sidharth Malhotra turned heads with their stylish looks. Sobhita Dhulipala, even amidst her wedding preparations, made a stunning appearance. Watch the full video to catch all the glitz and glam and see who wore what!
23 October,2024 10:37 PM IST | MumbaiMatilda: The Musical made its spectacular debut in India on May 16th, and it was a starry event attended by celebrities such as Rasha Thadani, Shanaya Kapoor, and Mira Rajput. Celebrities came in full attendance to the grand event hosted at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) on Thursday.
17 May,2024 10:23 PM IST | MumbaiADVERTISEMENT