Tamil Nadu BJP president K. Annamalai commented on the Sandhya Theatre stampede issue, saying that Revanth Reddy seems to be trying to outshine Allu Arjun in Telangana. He claimed that Reddy wants to show he is more important than the famous actor. Annamalai pointed out that some of the people who created chaos and threw stones at Allu Arjun’s house were from Reddy's constituency. He argued that this was politically motivated. He further stated that victimizing or bullying someone is wrong. He added that Allu Arjun had no intention of causing harm, and while the incident should not have happened, it was unfair to target him for it.
25 December,2024 10:53 AM ISThe Hyderabad High Court on Tuesday granted conditional bail to TDP MLA A Revanth Reddy in the cash-for-vote scam case. The court granted the bail on some consitions, that is, Reddy is asked not to leave the constituency of Kodangal and that he will have to deposit his passport and Rs. 5 lakh bond.
30 June,2015 01:29 PM ISTIn a big relief to TDP MLA A Revanth Reddy, the Supreme Court on Friday dismissed a petition made by the Telangana Anti-Corruption Bureau challenging the bail granted to him and two others in the cash-for-vote scam.
03 July,2015 06:38 PM IST