Former Saurashtra batter Sitanshu Kotak was on Thursday named India's batting coach ahead of the upcoming limited-overs series against England and the Champions Trophy next month after assistant coach Abhishek Nayar's performance came under scrutiny during the tour of Australia (Pic: sitanshukotak/Instagram)
16 January,2025 05:37 PM IST | Srijanee MajumdarDue to heavy rain in Saurashtra and South Gujarat, a flood-like situation occurred. Although the situation initially improved, the state is experiencing heavy rainfall again. Pics/ Agencies
29 July,2024 03:05 PM IST | Sanjana DeshpandeThe India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Wednesday sounded a Red alert as cyclone 'Biparjoy' warning for the Saurashtra and Kutch coasts in Gujarat (Pics/PTI)
14 June,2023 12:25 PM IST | ronak mastakarADVERTISEMENT