Mukesh Khanna who has famously portrayed the role of ‘Shaktimaan’ and ‘Bhishmapitamah’ in Mahabharat is known for his blunt opinions in the media. In this interview with Mid-day’s Katyayani Kapoor, Mukesh Khanna opened up on being disappointed by movies like Aadipurush for inappropriate representation of Mythological characters. He also praised the South Indian film industry for keeping the history intact while making historical films. Take a look.
15 January,2025 07:19 PM ISTActor Mukesh Khanna, better known as ‘Shaktimaan’ frequently keeps in the news due to his candid statements. But certainly this is not the only reason why he was trending this month. The comeback of Shaktimaan was announced recently, and since then there has been an intense discussion on who will play Shaktimaan. In 1997, when Mukesh Khanna appeared as Shaktimaan, he took the nation by storm. While this role made him even more popular than the role of ‘Bhishmapitmah’ did in Mahabharat, he credits his spiritual making to Mahabharat’s role that he ‘got by luck’ as he says. In this episode of Mid-day’s Straight Talk, in conversation with Katyayani Kapoor, Mukesh Khanna opens up on the concept of Marriage, Spirituality, Religion, Cinema and Controversies.
18 December,2024 06:00 PM ISTMukesh Khanna has officially announced the return of Shaktimaan, sending fans into a frenzy with his Instagram post. The iconic superhero, who became a household name in the late '90s, was loved by children and became a cherished part of Indian TV history. At a recent press conference, Khanna discussed his movie plans with Sony and addressed the possibility of casting Ranveer Singh. However, he emphasized that Shaktimaan doesn't need a "star" and that he’s looking for a fresh face to portray the character. He also shared his desire to spread a message to the current generation, urging them to connect more with their parents and less with Google. The much-awaited Shaktimaan reboot is set to return to screens in 2027.
12 November,2024 02:50 PM ISTThe police horse Shaktimaan, who got his left hind leg amputated after being allegedly attacked by BJP MLA Ganesh Joshi, has found a friend in the United States who will donate him a prosthetic limb in order to make him stand again.
18 March,2016 01:15 PM ISTFollowing the arrest of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Ganesh Joshi for allegedly assaulting police horse Shaktimaan, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India on Friday lauded the move, while calling for the highest punishment possible under Section 429 to everyone who was involved in hitting and injuring the animal.
18 March,2016 05:38 PM ISTCops in Dehradun played Holi with Shaktimaan, the horse which suffered multiple fractures after being brutally attacked by BJP MLA Ganesh Joshi, on Thursday.
24 March,2016 01:52 PM ISTPolice horse Shaktimaan whose leg was imputed after being allegedly attacked by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Ganesh Joshi is recovering well.
31 March,2016 12:31 PM ISTPolice horse 'Shaktimaan' which was badly injured during a protest by the BJP in Dehradun last month, passed away on Wednesday evening. The horse is believed to have succumbed to his injuries after his amputated leg developed infection.
21 April,2016 08:54 AM ISTThe very first superhero of the 90s 'Shaktimaan' will again hit the Indian Television after a gap of 11 long years. Actor Mukesh Khanna, who is 57-year-old now, will again be reprising his role as Shaktimaan and his alter ego of a journalist Pandit Gangadhar Vidyadhar Mayadhar Omkarnath Shastri.