While tomato prices fell 12 per cent on-month, helped by fresh supplies from Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat, the cost of non-vegetarian thali grew at a faster pace due to an estimated 11 per cent on-month increase in broiler prices on a dip in production triggered by a cold wave in the north, said the CRISIL report
07 January,2025 11:27 AM IST | New Delhi | IANSThe farmer said that he embraced digital surveillance for his farm at Shahpur Banjar near Aurangabad in Maharashtra, after tomato thieves struck there
08 August,2023 02:09 PM IST | Aurangabad | mid-day online correspondentA Jaipur-bound truckload of tomatoes, a precious commodity across the country now, went missing in what is suspected to be another "heist" linked to Karnataka
31 July,2023 05:23 PM IST | Bengaluru | PTIThe farmer told the police that he lost nearly Rs 20,000 due to the theft
21 July,2023 02:24 PM IST | Pune | PTIThe Indian government has taken measures to provide relief to the common man from high retail tomato prices by reducing the price of subsidised tomatoes to Rs 70 per kilogramme, effective from Thursday. This move comes as a response to the declining trend in tomato prices in the market.
19 July,2023 05:59 PM IST | New Delhi | mid-day online correspondentBoth customers and vendors are facing difficulties due to the unpredictable price hikes in vegetables, particularly tomatoes. Customers are cutting down on quantities and seeking alternative ingredients for cooking, while vendors are experiencing reduced sales. Extreme weather conditions and damaged stocks exacerbate situation for vendors
18 July,2023 04:04 PM IST | Mumbai | Dnyaneshwari BurghateTomato prices have shot up since last month due to the disruption in supply amid monsoon
18 July,2023 02:09 PM IST | Navi Mumbai | mid-day online correspondentOn Friday, the Centre started to sell tomatoes at a discounted rate of Rs 90 per kg in Delhi-NCR through mobile vans
16 July,2023 02:04 PM IST | New Delhi | PTITo provide relief to retail consumers, the Centre is selling tomato at a discounted Rs 90 per kg in select cities like Delhi-NCR, Patna and Lucknow
16 July,2023 10:20 AM IST | New Delhi | PTIWith people feeling the pinch after tomato prices soared to Rs 100 per kg, an "on-demand hyper-local transport and logistics app" Jugnoo has offered to make doorstep delivery of tomatoes at just Re 1 per kg
02 November,2017 09:27 PM IST | Chandigarh | IANSADVERTISEMENT