The Mumbai Police have launched a manhunt for the assailant involved in a stabbing incident at Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan's Bandra home. The suspect, who was last seen near Bandra station, allegedly tried to rob the actor and injured him severely before fleeing the scene
17 January,2025 11:29 AM IST | MumbaiCivic officials say issue will be resolved within three weeks, as situation gets worse by the day
16 January,2025 08:13 AM IST | Mumbai | Diwakar SharmaInvestigation into daring Rs 80-lakh jewellery shop robbery falters after key CCTV cameras are found dismantled during civic beautification efforts
15 January,2025 08:18 AM IST | Mumbai | Diwakar SharmaAs the pipeline burst on the main road, a water jet as high as 15-20 feet shot into the air, flooding the road with water. This also disrupted the traffic movement in the area for a brief period
13 January,2025 05:38 PM IST | Mumbai | Diwakar SharmaAdventure junkies, you don’t have to leave the city or plan an elaborate holiday if you are looking for an adrenaline rush
12 January,2025 09:30 AM IST | Mumbai | Junisha DamaThe jewellery company is accused of cheating investors of crores of rupees through a combination of Ponzi and multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes
12 January,2025 08:44 AM IST | Thane | mid-day online correspondentTwo men, Rohan Vishwanath Singh and Akhilesh Yadav, were arrested in connection with the murder of Sudhir Kunjbihari Singh in Palghar last year. The two were part of a larger gang and had been on the run for nearly a year before their apprehension.
11 January,2025 01:26 PM IST | MumbaiPassengers file complaints with Western Railway, demand double-decker rakes. Prabhutendolkar added, “We, as commuters, have been campaigning for newer Linke-Hofmann-Busch (LHB) double-decker non-AC coaches on this train. Another train on the same route till Ahmedabad already has LHB double-decker AC coaches
10 January,2025 07:38 AM IST | Mumbai | Prasun ChoudhariPollution levels soar as construction, demolition, unregulated industries turn area into dust bowl; MPCB steps in with measures
06 January,2025 10:17 AM IST | Mumbai | Diwakar SharmaYusuf shaved his head to dodge cops; shooter still on run, search intensified
06 January,2025 10:14 AM IST | Mumbai | Samiullah KhanADVERTISEMENT