The Warkari community participated in the 'Bhavya Palkhi Sohala' procession at Five Gardens, Wadala, in Mumbai on Sunday. During this procession, the 'palkhis' carrying idols of deities are carried by devotees through the streets, accompanied by chanting, singing, and devotional music (PICS/SHADAB KHAN)
05 January,2025 07:49 PM IST | Divya NairA dense layer of smog was seen over Mumbai as the air quality deteriorated to 162 on Sunday evening (PIC/SHADAB KHAN)
05 January,2025 06:25 PM IST | Divya NairBEST workers tying black bands to each other as a mark of protest at Wadala depot in Mumbai on Thursday. (Pics/Shadab Khan)
26 December,2024 01:36 PM IST | ronak mastakarMumbai witnessed a notable dip in temperatures, with the minimum dropping to 18.7 degrees Celsius. Visuals from Wadala RTO in Mumbai. (Pics/Atul Kamble)
28 November,2024 09:38 AM IST | ronak mastakarIf you're looking to spend your Independence Day in Mumbai this year, we've curated a list of exciting things to do. Scroll below to find out how you can ring in patriotic spirits this August 15
11 August,2024 08:15 PM IST | Ainie RizviA large number of devotees on Wednesday gathered at the Vitthal mandir across the country on the occassion of Ashadhi Ekadashi. Pics/Ashish Raje
17 July,2024 07:00 PM IST | Sanjana DeshpandeMumbai on Monday witnessed rains followed after a storm and gusty winds in the city and its adjoining areas leading to an under-construction metal parking tower to collapse on a road in Wadala area, an official said. Pics/Shadab Khan
13 May,2024 06:54 PM IST | Asif Ali SayedIt is that time of the year when Christmas not only brings with food and drink, but also beautiful cribs, which are a representation of the Nativity of Jesus. With the festive season here, Mumbaikars take on their annual tradition of visiting different cribs in the city
04 January,2024 07:10 PM IST | Nascimento PintoMumbaikars living in Chembur, Govandi, Mankhurd and Wadala experienced smog for the past two days because of a fire at the Deonar dumping ground. We have pictures
29 January,2016 04:51 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT