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Veteran journalist Dara, 73, no more

Updated on: 18 August,2024 07:57 AM IST  |  Mumbai
A Correspondent |

Notably, Pochkhanawalla was a gold medallist in the MCA umpires examination in 1970

Veteran journalist Dara, 73, no more

Dara Pochkhanawalla

Veteran sports journalist Dara Pochkhanawalla passed away on Friday night in Mumbai after a prolonged illness. He was 73.

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Pochkhanawalla, a former sports editor of Mumbai Samachar, was a member of the Mumbai Cricket Association’s managing committee for two terms. A respected figure in the sports community, he served as an office bearer of the Sports Journalists Association of Mumbai, was a founding member of the All India Cricket Scorers & Statisticians Committee, and was a member of the Umpires Sub-Committee of the Mumbai Cricket Association. Notably, Pochkhanawalla was a gold medallist in the MCA umpires examination in 1970.

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