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EPL to start with Arsenal-Liverpool tie on August 13

Updated on: 16 June,2016 08:22 AM IST  | 

The 2016/17 English Premier League (EPL) will begin on August 13, when Arsenal is set face Liverpool, the English Football Association announced on Wednesday

EPL to start with Arsenal-Liverpool tie on August 13

London: The 2016/17 English Premier League (EPL) will begin on August 13, when Arsenal is set face Liverpool, the English Football Association announced on Wednesday.

Pep Guardiola
Pep Guardiola

Leicester City will begin defending the title against newly promoted Hull City on the opening day, reports Efe.

Spanish coach Pep Guardiola will debut with Manchester City, as his side will host Sunderland, while Manchester United, coached by Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho, will host Bournemouth.

Manchester City will face Manchester United on September 10 in the fourth round.

The league ends on May 21, 2017.

The first round of the EPL 2016/17 will include the following matches:

Arsenal-Liverpool, Bournemouth-Manchester United, Burnley-Swansea, Chelsea-West Ham, Crystal Palace-West Bromwich Albion, Everton-Tottenham Hotspur, Hull City-Leicester, Manchester City-Sunderland, Stoke-Middlesbrough and Southampton-Watford.

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