I want her in my life and am afraid to broach the topic in case she cuts me off for good
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I have been in a relationship with a woman for over a year. Both of us are divorced and not seeing anyone else. Everything was going great until a couple of months ago when things turned bad during a trip where we had some unpleasant moments. My girlfriend said we were not meant for each other. It’s been a month since that breakup, but we have been speaking every day since, although our conversation is bland. I am confused about the situation. I would very much like for us to be together again, but I get the vibe that she will reject my proposal. I want her in my life and am afraid to broach the topic in case she cuts me off for good. What should my next step be?
— Vick
You are still speaking to each other, which is a good thing. Keeping those lines of communication open is critical, as is continuing to talk about things she is still comfortable with. If you get the sense that she isn’t open to a relationship, trust your instinct and let things be until you feel as if you are both more open to discussing the trip and what happened. The next step should be to try and meet in person, casually, and then do it again if possible because meeting face to face may allow you both to have a healthy dialogue about what went wrong. If she refuses to meet, that is her prerogative, and it means you have no choice but to be patient and hope that she changes her mind about you. As for the possibility of her cutting you off, that is also real and, if it does happen, you may simply have to accept the reality of this not working out. For now, the best thing you can do is give her the feeling that you want to engage with her, you want to have her in your life and are willing to wait until things start to feel a little more comfortable.
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