Tell him what’s on your mind and, if nothing changes, you may have to accept that this isn’t working
Illustration/Uday Mohite
My problem is I love a man madly, but he has been avoiding me a lot and not talking my calls. He doesn’t reply and has even blocked me. I get depressed and am in the worst state of mind because I miss him. I am very troubled. What should I do? Since my mother passed away, he has been avoiding me a little but now, he is just not ready to communicate.
— Farhat M
It sounds as if this is completely one-sided. You are entitled to your feelings, but he is also allowed to not reciprocate if he doesn’t feel that way. His refusal to communicate is a strong message, and blocking you is a sign that he doesn’t want to engage with you. This is understandably painful for you but the sooner you come to terms with his rejection and accept that this is someone who doesn’t want to be part of your life, the sooner you can begin dealing with the inevitable grieving process. This may not be what you want to hear but, until this person changes his mind and begins to communicate with you, there is nothing that can be done.
It feels as if my husband is in the midst of a midlife crisis. He doesn’t speak much, barely acknowledges my presence, and doesn’t give me a sense of wanting this marriage to work. I have been patient but, after a point, it feels as if I am with him only because I want to be, not because he cares about whether I am around or not. Should I stay with him or go? It won’t matter to him either way, which is why I believe I should end this.
A midlife crisis is not an excuse to abandon a partner or be disrespectful. If he isn’t doing his part, this is not a healthy relationship irrespective of what his reasons may be. Tell him what’s on your mind and, if nothing changes, you may have to accept that this isn’t working.
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