Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor were spotted with their baby girl Raha at the Mumbai airport. In the visuals captured by the shutterbugs, Raha can be seen waving at the paps.
While the family of three were about to enter the airport after getting their tickets checked by security, Neetu Kapoor joined them.
Raha cutely smiled as she saw her granny Neetu coming towards her. She even said something to her.
Siddhant Chaturvedi and Malavika Mohanan were spotted together for the promotions of their upcoming film ‘Yudhra’.
Power couple Arjun Rampal and Gabriella Demetriades made a rare appearance post their workout session.
Comedian duo Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbachiyaa were spotted at the airport with their baby boy Laksh.