Wondering what's in store for you today? Well, we've got you covered. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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Key Highlights
- Do you know what the stars hold for you
- Know your astrological predictions
- Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs
Do you know what the stars hold for you in terms of love life, career, business and personal wellness today? Well, read on to know your astrological predictions as per your zodiac sign for January 29.
March 21 – April 20
Ask yourself if the manner of thinking is too set and narrow, then make efforts to be more relaxed and open-minded.
Cosmic tip: Plan a trip with three friends (the more the merrier).
April 21 – May 20
Eat only home cooked meals as far as is possible to avoid a digestive infection. Keep mind focused and attentive.
Cosmic tip: Be very aware of what you say to avoid incurring negative karmas.
May 21 – June 21
Read documents carefully if self-employed. Planetary positions favour increasing knowledge. Continue in this excellent career, not opting for a total change.
Cosmic tip: Pay attention to a low feeling, searching the mind for the reason.
June 22 – July 23
Keeping an open mind-set helps move with changing times. This keeping in step is important for career/ business growth, using all opportunities advantageously. Health is good.
Cosmic tip: Trust the universe and yourself too.
July 24 - Aug 23
There are results of hard work bringing in praise, but colleagues may be envious about this. Maintain a healthy diet.
Cosmic tip: Be aware of surroundings, traffic and pedestrians if driving the vehicle yourself.
Aug 24 – Sept 23
A business deal needs careful thought before signing on the dotted line (don’t be in a hurry. Have meals at regular times. Regularly get enough sleep.
Cosmic tip: Continue working with quiet stability.
Sept 24 – Oct 22
A legal case limps to an end. Solutions to problems are akin to bridges, but know which one to cross for results.
Cosmic tip: Build relationships, nurturing them carefully to make them long term.
Oct 23 – Nov 22
Simplifying life brings greater peace and stability. Keep the faith when hurdles come across your path. Take care of bone health.
Cosmic tip: Keep silent if you don’t agree with what the person says.
Nov 23 – Dec 22
Businessmen diversifying abroad need to find out legal loopholes first. Income increases in this karmic cycle.
Cosmic tip: Do your duty, not expecting rewards or even appreciation. This is the way to work through karmas.
Dec 23 – Jan 20
Keep the mind peaceful even if dealing with too much work today. A relative rings up with some unbelievably surprising news.
Cosmic tip: Avoid giving unasked for advice even if circumstances seem right.
Jan 21 – Feb 19
Maintain a healthy diet, exercising as advised. Clearing out closets, getting rid of what hasn’t been worn for a while changes vibes to positive energy.
Cosmic tip: Master confusion with a harmonious mind-set.
Feb 20 – March 20
A higher spiritual level is revealed, as lessons learned in the past begin to make sense.
Cosmic tip: Conquer this habit of putting things off indefinitely, not making decisions or taking action on time.