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Kristen Stewart wants to play evil

Updated on: 15 May,2012 09:04 AM IST  | 

Actress Kristen Stewart wants to get rid of her Bella Swan persona from the "Twilight Saga" film series.

Kristen Stewart wants to play evil

After portraying a warrior in "Snow White and the Huntsman" and playing a seductress in "On the Road", the 22-year-old actress said that she wants to tackle an even darker role by starring as suicidal girl Peyton Loftis in her upcoming movie, reported Aceshowbiz.

Kristen Stewart. Pic/Santa Banta

"I want to play Peyton more than anything I can possibly taste or touch in my life. I want to play her so bad," Stewart said. The film is a big screen adaptation of the novel "Lie Down in Darkness".

Loftis is a psychologically vulnerable young lady who falls for her own father. "She's in love with him. I mean, I think she's in love with him. It's not his fault," Stewart added. The actress also thinks Colin Firth would be perfect to play her father's role.

Stewart also has her eyes on another dark character. The star said she wants to play murderous Cathy Ames from the book "East of Eden". "She is a troubled character who leaves her children to operate a brothel. She's a psychopathic, evil! I haven't done that yet."

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