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Accountant stabbed to death in Dahisar

Updated on: 09 June,2009 03:01 PM IST  | 
Somita Pal |

A 33-year-old accountant, Sadhik Sheikh, working for a Bollywood art director was stabbed to death by his partner Prithviraj Dey today morning at their flat in Dahisar.

Accountant stabbed to death in Dahisar

A 33-year-old accountant,u00a0Sadhik Sheikh, working for a Bollywood art director was stabbed to death by his partner Prithviraj Dey today morning at their flat in Dahisar. Prithiviraj and Sadhik had an argument and attacked each other with kitchen knives.

Hearing them scream, the neighbours rushed to their flat and took them to Bhagwati hospital. While sadhik was declared death on admission, Prithiviraj is in ICU with serious knife injuries.

According to the Dahisar police, both were living together and worked for the same art director. Prithivarj is a graphic designer while Sadhik was an accountant. In a statement to police Prithiviraj said that Sadhik was jobless and had asked for Rs 15,000 which he refused and this sparked off the fight.

Deepaj Girkar, the investigating officer from Dahisar police station said, "Prithiraj will be charged for committing a murder while a case of attempt to murder has been registered against the deceased Sadhik."

"There is no eyewitness to the case and Prithiraj's statement can't be trusted. We are however waiting for him to recover," he added.
Prithviraj has got injuries in his stomach and lower on thigh and is admitted in the ICU.

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