Wondering what's in store for you today? Well, we've got you covered. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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Key Highlights
- Do you know what the stars hold for you
- Know your astrological predictions
- Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs
Do you know what the stars hold for you in terms of love life, career, business and personal wellness today? Well, read on to know your astrological predictions as per your zodiac sign for December 31.
March 21 – April 20
Today is a karmic cycle of just enjoying the vibes around the home and neighbourhood. Be peaceful.
Cosmic tip: Be sure about what you want as the outcome. Words must reflect right thoughts.
April 21 – May 20
Sometimes life remaining suspended in a time warp is a big learning experience in itself. Let go of past hurts.
Cosmic tip: Remember, when you are honest you lose people who don’t deserve you.
May 21 – June 21
Good news from abroad means a trip is planned. An impromptu lunch is fun, with you even tolerating a friend’s friend.
Cosmic tip: Continue maintaining a light hearted mindset.
June 22 – July 23
Don’t be overly assertive; people don’t have to agree with everything you say. Not every friend has your best interests in mind.
Cosmic tip: Take one day at a time, having greater faith in God.
July 24 - Aug 23
Weighing out words before speaking is the best thing to follow today. Walk your talk.
Cosmic tip: Constantly try to maintain a balance between thoughts, words and actions.
Aug 24 – Sept 23
Letting go of a relationship is something about which there’s no choice. Be willing to learn and accept habits you need to change.
Cosmic tip: Meditate, looking inwards to enhance soul vibes.
Sept 24 – Oct 22
Karma gets balanced in a beautiful manner; even you are surprised by this gift. Health is good.
Cosmic tip: Don’t overthink as there’s no point in stressing yourself for something that may never manifest.
Oct 23 – Nov 22
Consciously stop yourself when repeating the old way of dealing with issues.
Cosmic tip: Don’t be emotionally defensive. Remain calm, listening to what the person is trying to convey.
Nov 23 – Dec 22
Any work connected with property/land is a good idea to follow up with, especially if wanting to buy. Quickly pull yourself out of boredom or apathy.
Cosmic tip: Believe faith can move mountains.
Dec 23 – Jan 20
Singles may be tempted to move headlong into a relationship, but better sense prevails; deciding to take it one day at a time instead.
Cosmic tip: Avoid what you instinctively know is wrong.
Jan 21 – Feb 19
Use an advantage judiciously instead of with a knee-jerk action that spoils the entire episode. A New Year resolution is remade.
Cosmic tip: Do some honest soul searching about a subject close to your heart.
Feb 20 – March 20
Some may not be interested in staying awake to bring in the New Year, which is fine as long as it works for you.
Cosmic tip: Just be, to settle and calm vibes around.