Wondering what's in store for you today? Well, we've got you covered. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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Key Highlights
- Do you know what the stars hold for you
- Know your astrological predictions
- Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs
Do you know what the stars hold for you in terms of love life, career, business and personal wellness today? Well, read on to know your astrological predictions as per your zodiac sign for January 27.
March 21 – April 20
Being intuitive today is an interesting experience you would love to re-live again some other time. It’s good to question beliefs, seeking answers.
Cosmic tip: Hold onto old values which are like old gold.
April 21 – May 20
Business/ career moves ahead at a comfortable pace. Connect dots when too many options are offered and how to go ahead.
Cosmic tip: Don’t give into the temptation of giving frank opinions. Be diplomatic.
May 21 – June 21
Promotional efforts pay off as work comes in much more regularly now. A business trip has an expected outcome. Just be happy.
Cosmic tip: Spend a quiet evening at home with family and friends.
June 22 – July 23
Some maybe feeling a little lost since that special person is not in town. Do avoid comfort eating.
Cosmic tip: Always maintain trust and faith, knowing the Higher Power will always look after you.
July 24 - Aug 23
A slow moving karmic cycle ends with life moving ahead as it is meant to. Don’t get over friendly at work.
Cosmic tip: Go for a walk, watch a movie or just enjoy time together.
Aug 24 – Sept 23
Do delegate work regularly, especially repetitive work. A karmic cycle of business travel begins.
Cosmic tip: Realize there are always two sides to a situation or a truth. Don’t be hasty in coming to conclusions.
Sept 24 – Oct 22
Career heads for the very top slot, leaving competitors behind in the race.
Cosmic tip: Be prepared to give a commitment if the relationship has been an on-going one for over two years.
Oct 23 – Nov 22
Sorting issues of importance are paramount today as you wade through a maze of work piling up. Eat only home cooked food.
Cosmic tip: Learn from life. Sometimes relationships are indifferent or even non-existent.
Nov 23 – Dec 22
It’s a relief and a surprise when a business meeting swerves onto a positive path. Having clarity of thoughts is what turned it in your favour.
Cosmic tip: Regularly going within helps find inner peace.
Dec 23 – Jan 20
Do your best to avoid arguments today as planetary positions are opposed to each other causing strife and misunderstandings.
Cosmic tip: Carefully maintain personal diet and exercise regime to keep energy levels high.
Jan 21 – Feb 19
Something you felt was lost is found. This begins the day on a happy note of satisfaction and joy.
Cosmic tip: Change how you view a situation to see it in another avatar altogether.
Feb 20 – March 20
Enjoy this mutual understanding and acceptance with a friend/ partner/ spouse. Though not looking for a job change; an offer received is interesting. Health is good.
Cosmic tip: Make wise and well considered choices.