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Mumbai: BMC's VN Desai hospital doctors successfully perform rare surgery on 22-year-old woman

Updated on: 30 April,2023 05:38 PM IST  |  Mumbai
mid-day online correspondent |

Bedridden woman walks just 10 days after rare surgery, says BMC

Mumbai: BMC's VN Desai hospital doctors successfully perform rare surgery on 22-year-old woman

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In a rare surgery performed by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation's (BMC) Vishnu Prasad Nandarai (VN) Desai Hospital in collaboration with Spine Clinic, the doctors were successful in curing a 22-year-old young woman who was bedridden after being affected with tuberculosis of the spine. Interestingly, just ten days after the surgery, the patient has started walking with minimal support, the BMC said in an official statement.

It said, Mumbai's V. N. Desai Municipal Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr. Harbansingh Bawa said that a 22-year-old young woman suffering from spine disease visited V. N. Desai was admitted to the general ward. This woman could not walk, could not move her legs. She was bedridden for a month and her bladder and abdomen were also affected. Most importantly, the young woman's illness was aggravated by fake treatment from a local quack doctor.

The statement further said that the MRI was used to fully diagnose the disease of this young woman who was stricken with the disease at a very young age. After the MRI was examined and according to the findings, it was found that the young woman had tuberculosis of the spine, which caused pressure on various nerves in the spine. Overall, the acute form assumed by the disease was rare.

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It said, the surgery was the only option to cure the young woman completely from this disease. But it was very expensive. The financial status of the patient was also not very good. In such a situation, the Spine Foundation extended its hand of cooperation through the Spine Clinic operating in the hospital. The V. N. Desai team of medical experts as well as Honorary Medical Consultant of the Spine Clinic, renowned medical expert in spine disorders, Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj, Dr. Premik Nagad jointly decided to perform this difficult surgery. 

The statement said, Spine Decompression and Hartshill fixation surgery was successfully performed on the young woman's spine. The young woman was able to stand on her own feet on the second day after the surgery, and within ten days she was walking with minimal support. The patient's bladder and abdomen have been restored. The young woman completely recovered from the illness.

Spine diseases can be very distressing and more importantly life-threatening for any person. Due to the increasingly stressful life, the young generation also has to face various spine disorders. Spine diseases are not only expensive to treat, but also take a long time to recover, it said.

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