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Mumbai: Morning rush disrupted as rail fracture delays CR trains at Badlapur

Updated on: 26 November,2024 02:02 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Rajendra B. Aklekar | [email protected]

Central Railway trains faced significant delays on Tuesday morning due to a rail fracture at Badlapur. Peak hour schedules were disrupted as trains operated at reduced speeds until restoration

Mumbai: Morning rush disrupted as rail fracture delays CR trains at Badlapur

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Mumbai: Morning rush disrupted as rail fracture delays CR trains at Badlapur

Central Railway trains in the morning rush hour were delayed on Tuesday morning due to a rail fracture at Badlapur. Trains had to be run with restrained speed after restoration collapsing the peak hour timetable.

"My expected was 16 minute late. It was stuck in the m-indicator and was not moving. There seemed to be some problem," commuter Vilas Chavan said on social media.

Central Railway spokesperson confirmed of a disruption." At Badlapur there was a rail fracture and it was attended and movement permitted initially with 10 kmph and then 30 kmph. It will be attended after taking a block and speed will be normalised," a Central Railway spokesperson said.

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