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Mumbai: Six tables to be marked for 'vegetarian food only' in IIT Bombay hostel canteen

Updated on: 28 September,2023 05:01 PM IST  |  Mumbai
mid-day online correspondent |

Almost two months after students in the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) raised the issue of alleged food discrimination, its Mess Council has stated six tables in a common canteen of three hostels will be designated for "vegetarian food only".

Mumbai: Six tables to be marked for 'vegetarian food only' in IIT Bombay hostel canteen

Representative image

Almost two months after students in the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) raised the issue of alleged food discrimination, its Mess Council has stated six tables in a common canteen of three hostels will be designated for "vegetarian food only".

"Compliance is crucial," it said, noting that any violation identified by the mess team (Council) will attract proper action and imposition of appropriate penalties.

An email sent on Wednesday by the Mess Council to the students of hostels 12, 13 and 14 stated, "Such violations will also be considered in disciplinary action, as they disrupt the harmony, we aim to maintain in our dining facilities".

According to the PTI report, the news agency tried calling and messages to the IIT Bombay administration but the institute did not elicit any response.

The PTI quoting the email reported that the mail further stated "some people can't resist the view and smell of non-veg food during their dining" and this may create health issues as well.

"Our primary goal is to ensure that every resident enjoys a very comfortable and pleasant dining experience. To address this and create a more inclusive environment, it has been decided to designate only six tables exclusively for vegetarian food," the email said.

These tables will be marked clearly with the signage stating, "This place is designated for vegetarian food ONLY," it said.

This year in July, posters stating "vegetarians only are allowed to sit here" were put up on the walls of the canteen of hostel 12 and a photograph of the same went viral on social media. A section of students had protested against it.

On Wednesday, the Ambedkar Phule Periyar Study Circle, a Left-leaning students' body, in a post on X stated that first there were "vegetarian only" posters, that the IITB admin had awkwardly termed as "unauthorised", after protest by students.

Then there was an unending delay in removing those. And now the admin has officially declared some tables in the mess as "for vegetarian food ONLY!", it added. 

(with inputs from PTI)

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