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RTOs in Maharashtra to get radar-equipped interceptor vehicles to boost e-challan system

Updated on: 27 December,2024 09:28 PM IST  |  Mumbai
mid-day online correspondent |

The radar-based system will be installed on 96 interceptor vehicles, the majority of which arrived about a month ago and are awaiting fitment, and will then be handed over to RTO flying squads

RTOs in Maharashtra to get radar-equipped interceptor vehicles to boost e-challan system

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RTOs in Maharashtra to get radar-equipped interceptor vehicles to boost e-challan system

The Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Department (MMVD) will procure interceptor vehicles equipped with radar systems capable of detecting multiple traffic violations simultaneously, news agency PTI reported.

The deployment of such radar-mounted interceptor vehicles, the first in any state in the country, is expected to significantly increase the number of e-challans issued by flying squads of Regional Transport Offices (RTO), in turn improving enforcement efficiency, said officials. 

The radar-based system will be installed on 96 interceptor vehicles, the majority of which arrived about a month ago and are awaiting fitment, and will then be handed over to RTO flying squads in Maharashtra, the officials said.

According to PTI, 69 Mahindra-made interceptor vehicles have been delivered and are awaiting installation of the new system, while the procurement of 27 more is in process.

The procurement comes after MMVD introduced 187 AI-powered laser speed gun-mounted interceptor vehicles earlier this year using road safety fund.

"While the current speed gun system allows flying squads to issue 10-12 e-challans per hour, the radar-based system will take this to 800-900 e-challans per hour. The radar system will capture vehicle speed and photographs, allowing for detection of multiple offences without stopping vehicles," said Transport Commissioner Vivek Bhimanwar, adding, "The system will target violations such as speeding, lane cutting, triple-seat riding, helmetless two-wheeler riding, over-dimensional vehicles, and driving without seat belts. Interceptor vehicles will be strategically parked in high-violation areas for effective enforcement."

MMVD has placed an order with Ashoka Buildcon's IT wing for installation of the radar system, which is expected to arrive next year, other officials added.

According to PTI, a senior official from Maharashtra said that each interceptor vehicle procured through GM (government marketplace) portal costs Rs 12-13 lakh, and after installation of the radar system, the expenditure will rise to around Rs 16 lakh. The official added that the agreement includes five years of comprehensive maintenance of the system.

The mechanism will also come up with Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS), which includes PCs, laptops and other equipment, enabling RTO inspectors to generate e-challans immediately using the images and details received through the system, the official said.

(With PTI inputs)

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