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We cannot car-ry on like this

Updated on: 08 April,2023 08:19 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Hemal Ashar | [email protected]

As parking under Bandra’s Patwardhan Park controversy simmers, traffic expert says there is no such thing as a free lunch, or free parking

We cannot car-ry on like this

Residents meet to discuss the underground parking project at Patwardhan Park in Bandra West last month. Pic/Shadab Khan

Ashok DatarAs I am a Mahim resident, I used to visit Patwardhan Park in Bandra West quite frequently. The space is a green lung for locals, especially those in its immediate vicinity, the crowded retail hub of Linking Road with its dense traffic situation.

I have been following the fight against BMC’s proposal for a parking lot underneath Patwardhan Park. Though some claim it is on the side of the park, this is not true, the parking is designed to disrupt if not take away the park altogether.

The activists, and many locals, hugely invested in saving the space, as all of us should be, because this is a blueprint not just of one park but parks across the city, have done well so far. It is impressive to see that they have actually zeroed in on free spaces around the park, lots that can be used to park cars but are not being used.

Having said that, I think there are several private parking spaces, under malls or some such that can be used only by those who are coming in for shopping in that mall. While that is one aspect, overall, there needs to be a concerted effort to lessen the number of cars.

People are parking their cars on the roads absolutely free of charge. This should be unacceptable. We need to have designated parking slots, earmarked by BMC on the roads. These should be well-marked and paid for which is most important. They also have to be supervised.

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There can be several schemes for parking. You can have daily charges, you can have charges for a month, like a pass system. Night parking charges may be different and lower. There are a number of ways to make this work. People should not get free land to park, this is the moot point. Even underground parking in buildings, the land has a worth, it costs money, so why should there be free use?

There are many people who are buying a second car, sometimes a second- hand vehicle, just to keep it. They do not even use it. When parking has to be paid for, it definitely makes people do a rethink. So many cars also means importing more petrol or diesel, everybody cannot have electric cars. We cannot penalise pedestrians and cyclists who do not take up space on the roads, and make space for cars. Why try to make these parking lots in two-three years? Instead, start by making certain areas on the road as payable parking right now. Use that revenue earned, channeling it  on footpath upkeep and even upgradation of gardens, etc. Disturbing gardens, digging them up for parking is a total failure, when it comes to application of the mind and even as a feasible, workable concept.

As told to Hemal Ashar The columnist is a traffic analyst

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