
The Editorial


Better planning needed while demolishing old bridges

Better planning needed while demolishing old bridges

Locals say that if this road were opened first, the pressure on traffic after the closure of the Prabhadevi road would be eased to a great extent

05 February,2025 06:54 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
Youngsters must be taught the value of honesty

Youngsters must be taught the value of honesty

Bhuse has claimed that cameras have been extensively installed and there the police’s presence will be beefed up.

04 February,2025 06:51 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
Authorities must crack down on parking goondaism

Authorities must crack down on parking goondaism

Outright fraud is common in some public parking areas. Some people claiming they are from the BMC are foisting receipts, wearing false uniforms and charging at will

03 February,2025 06:57 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
Improve sports amenities at grassroots level

Improve sports amenities at grassroots level

She was addressing the 1st International Olympic Research Conference at Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU) near Dehgam in Gandhinagar district.

01 February,2025 06:55 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
We have no right to deny gay people a life of dignity

We have no right to deny gay people a life of dignity

This should make us think about so many queer people, men or women, who are living in the closet here, too, fearful of being their true selves.

31 January,2025 08:08 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
Never turn a blind eye to your surroundings

Never turn a blind eye to your surroundings

Talking on the phone while driving even if one is using the speaker phone option is also disallowed because it is a distraction and attention is diverted

30 January,2025 06:57 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
Authorities must weed out illegal autorickshaws

Authorities must weed out illegal autorickshaws

The bigger takeaway though was that several problems needed to be looked at and addressed through the fare hike. Bus services at some high-density spots like near offices and stations have been whittled down and commuters are hard-pressed to get buses

29 January,2025 06:58 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
Govt must compensate those wrongfully arrested

Govt must compensate those wrongfully arrested

This is also one of the reasons why there is a trust deficit between the public and the police. People simply do not trust the police to keep their identities hidden for any reason

28 January,2025 06:46 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
Be proactive but rational during emergencies

Be proactive but rational during emergencies

Some of the Pushpak Express passengers who ran for safety on its tracks were crushed under the moving Karnataka Express, while others sustained injuries

25 January,2025 07:44 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
Delays only reflect the authorities’ gross inefficiency

Delays only reflect the authorities’ gross inefficiency

As a result, commuters at railway stations have no way to know how long it will take for a train to arrive

24 January,2025 08:19 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial

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